Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Today at Veritas Preparatory Academy our students are taking their first wave of final exams. Even though I am still required to be in class giving tests, yesterday felt like the last day of school. The real work of teaching is being in the classroom and taking responsibility for moving students' minds forward. Writing tests, proctoring exams, writing up evals: that's easy in comparison.


Anonymous said...

i agree... it's really sad leaving!

Anonymous said...

yay! I have a new blog that I sorta promise to update!
Come and visit me!

Anonymous said...

I feel like a majestic Lord of the Rings quote is called for, but I'll leave that up to Jessica to post.

Anonymous said...

Brothers K has moved my mind backards, forwards, sideways, and everywhere inbetween. Brilliant choice for a (gulp) final book.

Anonymous said...

HANSONIUS. You scuttled away from graduation before a great many of us could attack!hug you and say a cheerfully tearfully jumbled good-bye. That, sir, is an egregious fault.

Hansonius said...

Sorry, McCaleb. I was overwhelmed by the number of people and intensity of emotion. I had to get home and read about Aquinas in order to relax. It's good to know you haven't forgotten about Hansoniana in your post-Veritas life.

I know, I know: how could you ever forget me?