Saturday, May 27, 2006

Babies and Beer

Some people think that it is funny to take pictures of babies with beer. I don't. Not after what happened at our house. Stella saw this picture of her god-sister Juliana and wanted a "new ba-ba" of her own. Look at what I came home to:So Stella and I had to have our first father-daughter talk.I laid out the Hansonian principle that "wine is meant to gladden the heart of man" (Ps. 104:15) and that the particular (i.e. wine) can stand for the genus (i.e. alcoholic beverages in general, including Old Brown Dog Ale) as a rhetorical trope. Stella said she wanted some time to think about what a trope is.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha...Very funny, Nemesis. Love the photos, especially the one of Stella thinking about tropes. :)

Hansonius said...

Nemesis: It's good to know that you have found my website. You have walked into my trap.

Tess, Bringer of Coffee: What gives? Why isn't your blogspot up and running? When I went to My Meshugas there was nothing!

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind, she is a Hubbell...Hubbell's like beer, and cheese curds...I think she's merely thinking of what's next for her to snack on...

Hansonius said...

Stella Maris doesn't appreciate the term Hubbell. She is proud to be the first 'puella Hansoniana.'

Anonymous said...

Just ot clarify... Who is this Nemesis? I'm confused. ( and when I get confused, I have a habit of flipping out like Alisha Roberts)