Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vacation: Day Three

Gianna wouldn't go to sleep easily last night. Well, she wouldn't go back to sleep easily, I should say. Stella woke her up. The adults didn't sleep well.

We spent the morning in the park. I went and bought two Gyros and a turkey sandwich for the girls. Life is easier when you can walk everywhere you need to go and you can spend the hours between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM out of doors.

Instead of napping when the others did, I ate ice cream, drank coffee, and read some chapters from my last Dorothy Sayers' mystery story: Gaudy Night. It's her best. (I recommend starting from the beginning, McCaleb. Read Whose Body? I started with Sayers last summer based on Jacques Barzun's recommendation. I haven't been disappointed.)

After an afternoon at the beach, we rode bikes to get some pizza by the harbor. Now Stella is watching some Backyardigans, and I'll be watching some Monk after her bedtime. Tomorrow we have Breakfast with Elmo® at Sea World, if we can get Alishia away from the Law and Order.

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