Friday, June 02, 2006

June's First Evening

Over here in Sunnyslope June's first day came to a quiet close. Stella, after a final fit, settled down for the evening. Alishia read a little. And I went out on the scooter to buy a gallon of ice cream and some cherry Baby Tylenol.Optima dies prima fugit.


Anonymous said...

Better days are ahead - especially if you ride a scooter to purchase sundries.

Anonymous said...

oh, hello batman. Actually, that's all I have to say. I just like the idea of batman frequenting your blog, Magister.

Anonymous said...

do you blog every event in the day??? leave some for your wife!

Hansonius said...

I, too, enjoy Batman's appearance, especially since he comes delivering comfort and assurance. Batman is my daemon.

Hansonius said...

Regina Lucia: I do not blog every event, just the bloggable ones. Don't worry about my wife. My wife is in no short supply of bloggabilia.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that her day is full of bloggable items/events

Anonymous said...

optima dies prima fugit = one of my absolute favorite quotes. no, this is not due to virgil, but willa cather and her obsession with virgil.

in other news, it would be appreciated if you put up more pictures of the baby engaging in illegal conduct, i.e. boozing. Those photograhps never cease to amuse me on these long, hot summer days.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.