Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Things? No, First Hansoniana

Here I am picture with Joseph Bottum, editor of the journal First Things. Jody (he and I are close, as you can see) said something to the effect* that I was the brightest light in the next generation, that he felt that the torch was being passed at this very moment, and that the American cultural scene was being shaken from the bottom up (ol' Jody and his puns) by Hansonian principles reaching a wider audience through the blog Hansoniana.*Nothing that follows reflects the actual words (either spoken or written) of Mr. Bottum. Rather, it is an attempt by highly trained staff members of Hansoniana© to reconstruct his probable thoughts and sentiments.


Anonymous said...

**Actual thoughts of Joseph Bottum during above encounter: "Hey, maybe I should grow me a soul patch, too...

Hansonius said...

Hansonian principle: The world can never have too much soul.