Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Scriptores Magni Momenti

Here at the Southwell Institute I've met some rising stars.

Meet Sr. John Mary. She gave up a life of glitz and glamour and large used book stores in order to better serve her Lord and Maker. One of the benefits: a really big rosary.

Meet Chris. Chris is the scion of worthy house that's a major player among Catholic aristocracy. Look out, Madison, Chris is ready to spread Hansonian principles all over you like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter® on rye.

Here's Chris reading from his most recent work, "The World Cup, A Universe's Tear." Sister is demonstrating what spiritual writers call "holy derision."


famulus_veritatis said...

What's Chris's surname?

Hansonius said...

Chris's surname is so noble that I he has a restraining order against plebs likes me blogging it.

But the revolution is coming...

famulus_veritatis said...

I suppose he also gets a fifth of this year's harvest...