Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ad Novum Eboracum

Today was the first day that Hansonian principles set foot in our nation's great metropolis. We will have to await the outcome.

Three of us took a train to Hoboken. Here are two of us en route:When we arrived in New York we walked from the station to a pizza place. Here's us chowing down and lost in wonder.We moseyed down toward Central Park (and found Times Square in the process):After the park we took the subway downtown. I still don't quite get the term "downtown" when applied to NYC. It seems like nothing but one big "downtown."

We finished our visit with a trip to The Strand. I have now been to the major bookstores of the east and west coasts in less then two weeks time. That is what I call an accomplishment.


Alishia said...

My babe wears the same outfit in all of his photos, people!

Anonymous said...

It's allright Magister. When a shirt is good, it's good. Wear it. Over and over and over. ^_^

Hansonius said...

A don't have many shirts here in New Jersey. We poets are clothed more by our verses than our vestments. I'm speaking figuratively of course.