Saturday, June 03, 2006


Here's god-grandmother Renee.Here's Devin, Phoenix's hottest new artist (he's here to take care of that patch!).Tiny has gotten all dressed up for the occasion.
He remains vigilant, though.Stella trusts anybody who's passing out Joe's Os.


Anonymous said...

Switching gears. Sorry. Krista (my sister) knows Rob b/c she used to work with him at IBM. mystery solved. (she also knows a fellow named Joe who calls himself Father Barry and works at Saint Thomas Aquinas. I don't think he knows you, but isn't that where you went to college?)

Hansonius said...

Rob worked at IBM just recently, I believe. In fact, I think he still works there with Mr. Whitfield (Veritas parent). When did your sister know him?

Fr. Barry? Don't know him. Is he a real priest or does he just call himself Fr. Barry?

Yes, I went to Thomas Aquinas College. Certain of the Hansonian principles had their genesis there. It's a kind of Wheaton of the Catholic realm, though with much more incense and Aristotelians crawling all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!