Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Value of a High School Great Books Education

Have you ever turned on the lights in a dark room and watched little creatures scuttle out of the light? Or have you ever surprised a coven of necromancers on a hike through the woods?

With equal rapidity the students of VPA ran for cover and made their "live journals" "friends-only" when certain of us faculty got wind of their existence, exempli gratia.

But look at the wee ones. Doesn't it warm the old heart strings and some such?

Let's see if the little pirates become indignant. Argh!


Anonymous said...

I didn't friends-only mine Magister. I'm not afraid of the light. (That's a nice pic of James Dean on her lj though isn't it?)
Arg. The wee pirates had quite a time of it, we'll have you know. We will rule the world yet.

Hansonius said...

I guess the others' deeds are done in darkness and hence they are afraid of the light. Or maybe they're playing video game in the dark.

Anonymous said...

magister... i have given birth to a public blog, viewable by the masses. I name it "the little beast." but in french.

... perhaps there will be pirates?

Anonymous said...

I didn't friends-lock mine either...but then again I don't update that often.

Anonymous said...

did you like my inflatable shoulder parrot?

Hansonius said...

I'm not sure which to love more: the parrot or the new-born blog. We are stupified equally, though.

Hansonius said...


I propose the following: not updating often is like putting a "friends-lock" on your soul.

Let me ask you: is that the kind of soul you want? Is it?

Anonymous said...

*reluctantly presses Pause button on Zelda* Oh-em-gee, Magister, was that you who came upon my coven meeting the other night? You've got some nasty voo-doo ju-ju coming your way, my prying, late-night-hiking friend.

And I friends-lock my journal to protect you, the humorous, well-meaning, yet ever-bumbling citizen, from coming upon the horrors of the secrets of Emma. You've already learned about my secret Link obsessions. Pray it goes no further.

*Mom opens blinds* NoooO. Light! *wince!hiss*

Anonymous said...

Mm... don't we make fine pirates, Magister? I think you should propose to Mr. Ellison that we change the dress code so that we can look like pirates ALL THE TIME!

Hansonius said...

Coven-Mistress: What are these so-called secrets of Emma? Cheat codes for Zelda? Josh Grobin's birthplace? Bah.

MD: Then you could have parties where you dress up in dress code clothes.

Anonymous said...

(shifty eyes) No!

1.) Did you know if you hookshot into the stew in Gerudo Fortress, you get a red rupee?
2.) L.A. Would you like his birthday and/or bloodtype? I have those too.

(I hope you're getting on that uniform change Magister, I just surgically replaced my right hand with a hook.)

Hansonius said...

Ah, the hook-shot in Zelda. I remember the good old days of battling Ganon. If only I still had my blue arrows!

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.