Saturday, June 03, 2006

Quidquid Id Est

Call me crazy or call me Hansonius. Either way I have launched a new blog.

This blog is in Latin. As my wife explains I have a friend with whom I speak in that antique tongue. People moan and groan about loss of sleep and lack of social life when the baby comes. The little bundle of joy doesn't exactly do wonders for one's command of dead languages, either.

Don't get me wrong. I love Stella Maris and would not trade her for the world or orbis terrarum. It's just that I have to step it up a notch if I want to maintain my level of Latinity that I had this summer. Lucas has left me in pulvere. I intend to do something about it. Veni, vidi, blogi.

Gusta et vide.


Lucy said...

can we only comment in Latin on this blog? I can't remember anything(or almost anything) and it's only been one week!

Anonymous said...

Mehercule, Magister: non possum commentare (?) in blogum tuum quod id non amat homines qui non habet sua bloga.
(I hope "blog" is neuter.)

Which is to say, You ought to allow "Other" or "non-blogger" comments. Or else I'll be driven to set up my own blog. ...

Anonymous said...

*in blog tuum. I guess that's what it should be if blog is neuter. Nevertheless, the point remains.

Hansonius said...

Gratias ago tibi for drawing my attention to the commentary situation.

I would be inclined, as well, to conceive 'blog' as neuter. Perhaps 'blogum' might be appropriate. I need to see if I can find a neologism that has already been coined.

Anonymous said...

That conversation is all fine and good, Magister: except for 1) the apparent reference to asparagus and 2)--um, "Lucas, da mihi basia mille..." <-- = o_O ?!!
That is all.

Hansonius said...

It must be remembered that the conversation was filtered through my wife. I would dispute the inclusion of "da mihi basia" in the transcript.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on the Catullus, too. Interesting o_O.

I must say, though, any inclusion of Catullus into the daily lexicon is very good.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!