Friday, June 16, 2006

Poetry Squad

Here at the Southwell Institute we are divided into two groups: the poets and the short story writers. I am among the poets. In the morning we all meet and hear a lecture. This morning, for instance, we heard more about Dante. Then, after lunch, we break into our respective groups for workshops. Here's a view of the poetry group:Dr. Baer has been leading us in scansion exercises. I can now tell a trochee for a dactyl at three hundred feet. Dr. Baer is an articulate and passionate teacher (here's the one on the right).He's given us an assignment. We must write a quatrain. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

I think you should post your quatrain, Magister.

Hansonius said...

I concur. I want to avoid any sentimental junk. The best cure for gushiness in poetry is making it public. I'm going to post that little sucker.