Sunday, June 11, 2006

Mashed Potatoes

This is why you have to be careful when you're eating with a baby in your lap.


Anonymous said...

I think the important thing is to make sure that the person eating is not a cannibal.

Hansonius said...

I would agree with that. Cannibalism is a more dangerous tendency than carelessness with potatoes.

Anonymous said...

definetly true... "But that my my dear children is called cannibalism, and it is highly frowned upon in many societies". Try to figure out what movie that one came from!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Willy Wonka, isn't it? Indeed, you might want to be more careful about who you hand that baby over to, Mr. H, when you know that there are cannibals in the area.

Anonymous said...

Willy Wonka is my love.

Hansonius said...

We've moved from a baby with a bit of potato on her head to someone declaring her love for a fictional weirdo. Isn't the Internet grand?

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Willy Wonka it is

Anonymous said...

A fictional CHILD-HATING weirdo. Well, not child-hating. As long as Stella doesn't grow up to be like, say, Augustus Gloop or Veruca Salt, she should be okay. Willy Wonka won't hunt her down and turn her into a chocolate-stella-marshmellow.